3 Examples to Help You Craft Your Next PPC Ad

Kendall Hogenmiller • March 15th, 2018

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Companies that succeed are companies that know their target audience better than they know themselves. This allows them to easily craft targeted ad campaigns and marketing strategies that are almost guaranteed to be a success. So before you read through these three PPC ad hints, visualize your customer and think of how you could relate these strategies to them and your business.

google search

Anticipate Your Customer

By knowing your customer really well, not only are you able to anticipate what terms they will be searching, but you can also predict what sort of follow-up questions they have. For instance, if I'm googling "How To Whiten My Teeth" and Crest is already offering up answers to my anticipated questions, I'm probably going to associate them with being the most knowledgeable.


Know What Stage Your Customer is At

Another example would be knowing what stage of sale your customer is at currently. For instance, Outdoor Voices takes notice of the fact that many people are searching their name having never been to their site before, so they may be more likely to want to shop all women's or men's pieces. They also give you the opportunity to go straight to leggings for returning customers who know exactly what they want.


Be On Time

When crafting your PPC ad you don't have to focus on one single strategy, but rather incorporate all of them. With Steve Madden's current ad, they're targeting returning customers who are more likely to buy a shoe that they've been watching that's now on extra sale. They're also anticipating all of the young women who are getting their prom looks ready early or want to update their upcoming spring looks.


We know that there are millions of ways that you can craft and write a PPC ad that reflects your brand and impacts your business. This sentence alone can be incredibly daunting to consider, but that's why we're here! Need help crafting your next, or even your first, PPC campaign? Send us a witty email or give us a quick call and we'll talk you through it.